
Eldritch Automata Pre-Orders

Created by Gehenna Gaming

Join the launch! Pre-order Eldritch Automata and all the accessories that were part of the crowdfunding campaign now before we close the pledge manager and move toward fulfillment.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #8 - FINAL 3 DAYS! Conspiracies, Organizations, and Q&A Recap
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 07:58:41 AM

Greetings Pilots! We’re coming down to the wire with only 3 days remaining. We are so close to hitting our penultimate stretch goal of getting an entire campaign book created by Storytellers Forge (The Black Ballad RPG, The Red Opera: Last Days of the Warlock). Continuing our recent trend of doing some sneak peeks and revealing new information about the setting, today we’re covering the multiple conspiracies and organizations that serve as your central human-based antagonists for Eldritch Automata. While unknowable eldritch abominations and angelic reality-bending entities are horrifying enough, humans still tend to be the worst monsters, fighting against one another for even the illusion of control. This, plus we have a break down of last Friday’s live Q&A and more!

Organizations & Conspiracies

Order of Anathema – “The Architect is Knowledge” – The enigmatic Order of Anathema is a clandestine group dedicated to worshiping and exploring the mystery behind the Anathema, the spiritual component within the Automata that grants them strength. Rumored to possess the truth behind the Automata and the Architect, in reality, they seek to study the Anathema and unlock its knowledge. With this knowledge, the Order’s members intend to transcend their current being to become one with the Anathema. What this outcome looks like, we do not know…

The Chimera Project – “The Architect is Power” – A scientific endeavor, possibly funded by a variety of world governments, the Chimera Project seeks to merge humanity with the Horrors and Seraphs, creating hybrid entities that can be used as weapons of war – a controllable replacement for the Automata. Driven by amoral scientists and fueled by unethical experimentation, the project blurs the line between ambition and monstrosity. The areas associated with the Chimera Project are few and far between, with the Project keeping one step ahead of those who seek to expose it.

One Government – “The Architect is Opportunity” – Remnants of once-separated nations have united under a singular banner. One Government is an authoritarian regime that secretly holds an iron grip over the surviving governments (or at least some of them), maintaining control through propaganda, shadow governments, surveillance, and a secret cache of Automata. Those who have come in contact with officials of One Government have spoken about a promise of safety and return to normalcy, using the power of Automata to consolidate their rule.

The Exctinctionists – “The Architect is Punishment” – The Extinctionists are a radical group driven by a twisted belief that the Horrors and Seraphs are cosmic punishment for mankind’s wrongdoings. They seek to appease these forces by ushering in humanity’s demise alongside the destruction of the Automata. Brainwashed and infected through terror and self-sacrifice, they challenge the moral fabric of the wasteland and force all to consider that maybe they are right.

Live Q&A Recap

Here is a recap of all the questions and answers during the Live Q&A we did with Nicholas Francia, lead designer of Eldritch Automata. 
  • Introductions: Nick briefly talked about how Homefront will begin development after the core rulebook and will be primarily led by Ian.
  • Will there be a mech technical manual? This was referring to an in-game manual for GMs and players as a collectible piece about the Automata. While there are no plans for it at this time, it’s a really cool idea we’ll have to revisit one day. The core rulebook will have Automata lore-based chapters.
  • Have you playtested Automata vs Automata combat? Yes! Funnily enough, though, not on purpose. While there are Automata enemy stat blocks to run as a GM, about 90% of our playtests have included some form of PVP combat either while another Automata was berserking or just through happenstance of the narrative during those playtests. It’s a lot of fun and works well. Berserking Automata have a leg-up in Automata combat due to their enhanced capabilities, but we see this as consistent with the tropes and identity of E//A as a whole.
  • Variation: With now 13 Pilot Archetypes and 13 Automata Archetypes, you have 169 unique character combinations!
  • What Inspired the Armory System? The Tag system for weapons was inspired by the likes of TriStat and Borderlands weapon generation. You can generate so many unique weapons!
  • Will We Get New Archetypes in the Future? Briefly touching on the concept of new Archetypes – while we won’t say for sure, there will most likely be one or two more Archetypes to join the list during the game’s lifetime. A big thing will be about making sure every archetype feels thematically distinct from one another despite a lot of them coming close. There will always be an equal amount of Pilot Archetypes to Automata Archetypes. The core rulebook shipping with 26 archetypes is already an incredible endeavor, and we believe players won’t be starved for options even years down the line.
  • Is there any way to play non-pilots? There is a very simplified way to do it in the core rulebook which basically consists of you not taking an Automata archetype. This style of gameplay will actually be a major focus of Homefront.
  • Could you have a campaign where it starts with civilians eventually discovering Automata to pilot? Yes, this was actually the concept of the original novel (currently still in development) that eventually expanded into the TTRPG. We have done an expanded playtest around this very idea with a player with the Ancient Archetype discovering his Automata a few sessions in. Without giving anything away, this is a great opening hook and something we will explore in released content.
  • Tell us more about Edge of the Apocalypse. Chris Handley shares the same vision as we do and has kept consistent to the game’s identity in designing the rules. We’re very excited to show off the side units that will accompany the Automata, as well as the process of turning a TTRPG into a miniature-focused skirmish game. 
  • Can you tell us more about The Eldritch? Without giving too much away, disposing of Horrors is a dangerous and essential task, as even their corpses can induce Horror Toxicosis. The idea of combining that into an Automata is even more dangerous. Two words: Organic cockpit. 
  • Are there any factions in the game that create one particular Automata or Pilot archetype over another? Such as the Manufactured, The Mass Produced, or The Other? Yes and no, we don’t like to tie Automata Archetypes to one organization or have an organization only use a single Automata Archetype. With that in mind, The Eldritch was designed by the Chimera Project, and One Government uses the Mass-Produced, while some surviving nations favor specific types of pilots...
  • Tell us more about The Manufactured. We touch on the Manufactured and the ethics of creating a biological android that is just meant to live and die as a weapon. The Manufactured were created as an answer to saving human lives.
  • Can one Automata become another through gameplay? You are able to buy talents with your experience that are not tied to your Archetype, but purchasing talents outside of your Archetype does cost more. So you can make cool mashups but there is no current way mechanically to completely switch your Archetype on the fly.
  • Who doesn't like existentialism in a post-apocalyptic world? No one. Next question.
  • Are there other Megaproject level constructs? Like Super Heavy Tanks and stuff like that? Or is the entire Military Industrial Complex dead and locked into just mechs? So they’re not dead or gone, but they are focused on making Automata. Automata aren’t the preferred design, they are the only design because they are the only weapons that can produce Ego Fields. Due to the Anathema, the Automata have been defined a certain way to do what they do. There is nothing on the level of the Automata that produces an Ego Field. But there are weapons and bases like the Pegasus or railguns.
  • How Tall?! Automata average 80 meters tall. By comparison, Optimus Prime is 23 meters tall, Mechagodzilla is 50 meters tall, and Voltron is 60 meters, with the Jaegers from Pacific Rim being the most similar at 80 meters tall. 
  • It'd be really wild if, like, this battalion was to find a way to get high off of Horror Blood, voluntarily allowing for some of the [disease] to take over them as they go buckwild in this world. Fun idea, but Horror Toxicosis would set in very quickly, and they would quickly turn into a Horror. We joked originally about having a Pilot Archetype that was a Horror, but it was deemed too PVP from the get-go. 
  • Are there human sized-Horrors? Yes! It’s called the Fool Variant. 
  • I wonder if a swarm of human-sized horrors could overrun an Automata? Could definitely be a “death by a thousand cuts” scenario for the Automata, especially if those Horrors rapidly started to form together and transformed into a bigger Horror. 
  • Have you ever considered Automata that relied less on their own sheer strength but relied more on like a mesh drone network or something? There are multiple Automata Archetypes like the Junker or the Ancient that rely on things that aren’t just raw strength, like their durability, their intellect, etc. The Legion operates off the ability of having a drone-like army. 
  • What is the Lore Bible? Nick talked a bit about the Lore Bible (aka Story Bible) that was given to all the writers and talked about the Manufactured since they hadn’t been touched on too much. 
  • What is the Latest Update? Getting the last bit of our drafts and things written for the manuscript, getting our editors to help us assemble and proofread everything. Our art profiles and reference boards are all ready for producing art. And our game demos at GenCon are completely sold out! But you can come talk to Nick at GenCon, he’ll be around! And you will find us running E//A at PAXU later this year (follow us on socials or join our Discord for our latest convention news).
  • What exactly comes in the plain $55 pledge? The physical core rulebook, the FLU items, the PDF for the core rulebook, and the Alchemy VTT Edition as well as all stretch goals. Most of the stretch goals will be contained in the core rulebook itself. Homefront will be released much later as a PDF with physical editions available to purchase.

Projects We Love

We’re closing today’s update with another look at a Project we’re excited about: Project Dastan. Initiated by Eldritch Automata writer KP Upadhyayula as part of the Moonbeam Collection launch, Project Dastan is a two-fold effort; 1 – to bring a spotlight on marginalized creators in the TTRPG Actual Play space, and 2 – to launch a full-Indian Actual Play production, recorded and produced in India with Indian talent. Project Dastan is an ambitious endeavor and we wish KP and his team luck with their project! Check it out here on Backerkit.

Update #7 - Final Week, Pilot Archetypes, New Art, Live Q&A Tonight!
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 12:23:52 PM

Hello everyone! We’ve entered the final week of the campaign, and six days left! First off, continued thanks to everyone who has supported us and backed the campaign. The response to Eldritch Automata continues to empower us, and we are so happy that so many people are excited for the full game release. We’ve got a few things to share today that I think will keep you all very excited!

Tonight, Nick will be streaming to our Twitch and here on Backerkit with a LIVE Q&A session. Jump in to ask your burning questions about E//A, the campaign, and more. Nick will be live from 6 PM Eastern till he runs out of questions (or about an hour).

We also want to share the latest art preview - this time, it’s the design for The Ancient Automata archetype! Huge props to Gio for this one - especially the cracked, stone-like design of the armor plating.

The Pilot Archetypes

Finally, much like we did with the previous Automata Archetype update, we wanted to share the Pilot Archetypes with you – showcasing all the archetypes with a sneak peek at some of the talents that accompany them. With the addition of The Forgotten this brings us to a whopping 13 Pilot Archetypes.

The Bound - “They say loss is a part of growth. All I wanna know is why did I have to be the one to lose it all.” Carry your pain and let it shape and mold you. Misery Loves Company will allow you to feed off others' emotional turmoil, while using Forget Your Face will allow you to break the relationships around you in order to save your own mental being.

The Empty - “You would think I would be scared, or feel exhilarated. Anything is better than nothing at all.” Wrap others in your cold embrace and try to find your own answer for your existence. Unfeeling helps you give yourself a chilling reset when you sleep, while Deprivation allows you to voluntarily become the worst parts about yourself.

The Forgotten - “Why am I here? Who brought me here? And what did they bring me for?” You remember nothing, and, therefore, can become anything.

The Hatred - “The Horrors. I admire their purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.”  They don’t know who hates humanity more, the Horrors, or you. Rely on a devil’s bargain with Let the Monster when people rely on you to fix their problems with your particular set of skills, while you can show others that they’re not so different from you with Mirror, Mirror.

The Hedgehog’s Dilemma - “Connecting with others is painful. It’s better for me and them if I don’t even bother.” Beware of your prickly quills. Growing Pains allows you to break the very relationships that bind you in order to push to impossible limits, while At Arm’s Length empowers you with the broken bonds of your team.

The Hyper-Responsible - “If I don’t step up, people die. Their deaths are on me. I’m the only one who can do it.”  Bear all responsibility for the weight of your team’s sins. Take advantage of being the group roller with Leader and gain benefits for leading the charge, and use My Body is a Shield to leap into the path of danger and take blows for someone else.

The Inferior Superior - “If I can’t be the best, then I’m nothing.” You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Sugar & Spice allows you increased success thresholds on your social skills to get out of, or into, trouble, while Cracks in Armor grants you the ability to tank your own Stability to guarantee a success.

The Legacy - “Your bloodline was born from comfort. Ours was born from rage.” You come from a long line of heroes, don’t mess it up. Create your family history with Bloodline and all of its fair share of trauma, or go one-on-one with your problems with My Destiny and show why you deserve to be ranked among the stars.

The Other - “Can you hear them? The voice of the Automata. It speaks to me. I understand.” Is the voice inside you your savior or your downfall? The Other Me defines the Other that lives inside of you with its own wants and needs, while They Told Me gives you the ability to read the minds of others and learn their secrets.

The Puppeteer - “That’s the difference between the two of us. There are no strings on me.” Your team and those around you are just pieces on the board. Use Strands as a weapon against others with Blackmail to get what you want, or Sacrifice your pieces to keep yourself above water with Cut the Strings.

The Sheltered - “Everything will be ok. It has to be. We’ll save the day.” Be the one who has never truly seen horror. Use Carry Me to ask of others what you cannot do for yourself, and What Dreams Are Made Of to convince others of your ideals and worldview. Be careful for the most precious things in our lives are often the most fragile.

The Thanatos - “Man has always feared the darkness, so he scrapes away at its edges with fire.” The only time you’re living is when you are on the thrill of the hunt. Death Drive lets you alleviate Stress by taking damage, while Burn Bright lets you fight even while in the Broken state. 

The Manufactured - “They deemed that human life was too precious to risk. That’s why they created me.” You live, breathe, and die as an Automata pilot. Contemplate your humanity vs your coding with Bio-Programming, allowing you to straddle the line between them, or use your expert learning routines to activate Synchronize and use someone else's skill knowledge rather than your own.

We are currently sitting at $109k and are steadily heading for our $125k goal of an entire campaign developed by our friends at the Storytellers Forge. All of this is just extra icing and cherries on top. Our expectations for the campaign have been blown out of the water, and we cannot wait to show you what comes next in developing not only the core rulebook but the game line as a whole. 

And speaking of Storytellers Forge, Rick and Pat recently covered Eldritch Automata in the ST Forge, their official Podcast! Check out their deep dive, critique of the game, and our crowdfunding campaign here!
Listen to the ST Forge on your favorite podcasting app or YouTube!

Let's ring out the last few days with success, and stay tuned for more teasers from the game soon!

Update #6 - $100K and Automata Archetype Update!
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 09:11:47 AM

Hello supporters and friends! Yes, I’m finally tracking how many updates we’ve made, haha. This will be the 6th update, and has a bunch of cool stuff, including the requested “list” of the Automata Archetypes and descriptions to help you determine your favorite for the Archetype pins – with the addition of the new Eldritch archetype!

First things first, though – we hit $100K! This means we’ve unlocked the official Eldritch Automata soundtrack and begun the climb to another supplement, the Storytellers Forge Campaign Book! We’d love to end the campaign with all stretch goals unlocked, so please keep sharing the campaign link with your friends and family and promote us where you can. Huge shout out to those of you who already have, we see you resharing those ads and promo posts!

Preview our vision of the E//A Soundtrack with our official Writer’s Mixtape playlist over on Spotify.

Actual Plays / Gameplay Examples

There was a request for info on actual plays and podcasts exploring Eldritch Automata, and we’re happy to oblige! Here are a bunch of videos/podcasts exploring E//A!

The Automata

Use this list to determine which Automata Archetype is your favorite and which insignia pin you want!

The Ancient - An Automata shrouded in mystery and speculation. Rather than piloting a manufactured mech, yours was found – perhaps one of the original primordial units on which the blueprints for Automata were based. With Elder Sign, you can repel Horrors and Seraph from you and use Echoes to tap into the past memories of every pilot who came before you.

The Beast - Designed with a secondary mode, this Automata can alter forms mid-battle, making it the ultimate flexible fighter. Swap your stats around using Alternate Mode to change your fighting styles while tapping into forbidden power using Berserker to voluntarily enter the berserk state. Just beware of the claws…

The Collateral - Employ scorched earth warfare with this Automata, unleashing an onslaught of bombardments with a lack of regard for personal safety to bring down your foes. Use Explosive to ensure your signature weapon comes with a bombastic twist and Bring Down the House to target structures, dropping them on anyone who stands in your way.

The Eldritch - ì̴̡̗͎̣͔̽͂́̆̉̄̃͠ ̸̡̛͉̙̹̘̯̲̝̂̌̈́̾̄̍͐̓̿̈͘͝c̵̘̝̪̮͓̰̗̥̜͇̉̉͌̑̇̔̎̊̉̕͝à̷̭͚̙̣̠̮̜̱̇̀̿̄̀̈́̐̔ͅͅn̶͉͍̲̼̾̃ ̶̩̒́͜͝s̸̢͓̙̏̆̇̍͊̀̃̏͜ͅȩ̸̭͙͙̲͈͖͐́͛e̶̡͉̯̯̟͖͚͇̊̅̽̀̚͜͠ ̴̢̤͉̏̃̄͒̆y̵̧̝̰̿́̈o̶̯̤̰̙̤͎͉̩̊͛́̓̽̉́̅͘͝͠u̵̮̱̰͓͓̦̻̺͉̒͆̍͋́͠ – This thing. They created a monster. Do not pilot this Automata, I repeat, DO NOT PILOT this Automata!

The Heavy - With its large guns and hulking mass, this Automata is a slow-moving, tank-like mecha that unleashes power in a hail of gunfire and explosions. Use talents like Heavily Armored to raise your durability while utilizing Portable Armory to deploy with extra weapons.

The Junker - Once a formidable machine, this Automata is outdated and considered obsolete by some, lacking the bells and whistles of its modern counterparts. Use Tune Up to modify your weapons on the fly, and tap into your Automata’s resilience by using Last Stand in order to burn bright even while on death’s doorstep.

The Legion - This Automata is a swarm of smaller machines controlled by a singular master unit. Fight Horrors via a thousand cuts. With Hive, you’ll designate your legion units and take advantage of multi-positioning to be everywhere, and utilize Necromancer in order to raise your dead foes temporarily as another unit for you to control.

The Mass Produced - Pilot an Automata that’s a copy, a base template made on a fast and expedited schedule for boots on the ground. Take advantage of your plainness with Spare Parts in order to keep your Automata fixed up and in the fight and access the Tactical Database to gain possible advantages and reports on how to best slay a Horror. 

The Overload - Pilot an Automata built with a literal nuclear reactor at its center, capable of pushing the limits of the power. Take advantage of Danger Zone and a unique heat mechanic in order to balance out your powerful arsenal, and use Heat End to blow Horrors away point blank or Absolute Territory to generate an impassable defense. 

The Prototype - Operate an Automata on the razor’s edge of technology, outfitted with several powerful new capabilities. Activate the powerful Ego Terror ability to negate any Horror or Seraph’s Ego Field or Wondrous Machinery to guarantee a successful attack. But remember, everything has a price… 

The Stealth - An Automata with a stealth drive installed, letting it become invisible and strike at opportune movements. Become the ultimate hunter with Unseen Predator and stalk your foes with deadly efficiency, or perhaps lying in wait is your style, laying a deadly trap with Antlion to ambush your enemy.

The Strainer - Designed without the pilot’s safety in mind, the normal stress and neural regulators have been removed for greater synchronization between Automata and rider. Push your pilot to the absolute max with Beyond Limits to increase their combat capabilities, or use Window of a Waking Mind to dive deep into your Automata’s consciousness for information. Try not to get stressed out. 

The Operations Admin - Sometimes you don’t need an Automata to make a difference. You’re the unsung hero, the babysitter, the one keeping the pilots alive cause you know they won’t do it for themselves. With Command Base, become the person in the chair and issue support, as well as Listen Up to issue commands and lead your team to victory. 

Projects We Love

Finally, we have another project we love to share this week: the recently launched Berserkr! A Mork Borg hack focused on Norse Mythology and facing down an impending Ragnarok?! What’s not to love about this fast-paced, rules-light OSR game from the creators of the critically-acclaimed Ronin?

“Berserkr throws you into the raw guts of Norse mythology, a world where every decision you make sends shockwaves through the cosmos. You’ll invoke runic magic, clash with iconic monsters and foes, forge alliances, lie, cheat, or even kill gods, and steer the wild course of the impending apocalypse. This isn’t just a game; it’s a brutal dance with destiny.”

Check it out today on Kickstarter, we know Ian already backed it!

Day 15 Update: Halfway There and almost $100K!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 06:29:55 AM

Hey friends! Today, we have another big update as we approach the campaign's halfway point. You've brought us to nearly $100K, which is huge. $100K will fund the Eldritch Automata soundtrack and start us toward our last two stretch goals. It also gives us massive feedback on interest in the game and where to go next.

So What Is Next?

Right now, while we watch the campaign numbers tick up, we're also hard at work on the game itself. We're finalizing writer drafts, commissioning art, and moving finished chapters into the editing phase. The E//A manuscript was already mostly finished prior to launch; we just need to make some adjustments and, of course, get those stretch goals written now!

Once the manuscript writing is 100% complete, we'll post a large update on the status and when we expect the book to move fully into layout (which will come after editing). Once the layout begins, I'm sure we'll share some teasers of pages and some more of the art going into the book. This will also be the signal to start writing on the supplements we have planned, including Homefront and Edge of the Apocalypse.

What's New?

We're excited to share that Eldritch Automata is now live on Diceweaver! You can check out the ruleset and access the quickstart there. Just sign up for an account.

We expect the quickstart rules to be available on Tabletop Mirror later this month and are making some adjustments to prepare them for Alchemy and other VTTs as well.

What's Coming Up?

A bunch of updates here. Thanks to your feedback we're adding FIVE more spots to the Become a Pilot and Become a Horror tiers. These spots will open up at 12 (Noon) TODAY, and we won't be adding more! So if you were interested in upgrading, grab a spot ASAP!

We're also announcing another live stream before the end of the campaign! Join Nick on July 19th at 6 PM EST for a Live Q&A to get your pressing questions about Eldritch Automata answered. Submit them early on the live stream discussion thread here on Backerkit to ensure your question gets answered.

Tune in here or over on to participate live, and we'll upload the Q&A to our YouTube channel after.

Also, while we intend to get the pledge manager and pre-orders up and running ASAP after the campaign ends, remember you *have* to back during the campaign to join the First Launch Unit and get that exclusive t-shirt and flight patch, so if you're friends are interested, tell them to back before July 25!

Projects We Love

Another spotlight on a cool project ending soon - the Official Planet of the Apes RPG!

From our friends at Magnetic Press Play, this campaign ends in just two days, so go check it out and tell 'em Gehenna sent you. If you want to learn a little more about the game, check out this podcast episode Eldritch Automata dev editor Ian recorded with Storytellers Forge talking about the game.

10 Days In Update - The Road So Far!
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 02:54:47 PM

Hey folks! Larger campaign update today! We have a bunch to talk about, and many thanks to say. When we launched Eldritch Automata, we honestly didn't think we'd have nearly 900 Backers and almost $90K in the first ten days, let alone the full campaign. Our plan all along has been to build E//A into a regularly updated game, with new supplements being put out regularly to give y'all more stories to tell and ideas to use for your games.

The funding raised so far ensures this goal will be a reality, and we want to thank you all deeply for that.
Now, on to the updates!

Virtual Tabletop Access

We're excited to say Eldritch Automata will be coming to numerous VTT platforms soon. Before we even launched we were talking to the folks at AlchemyRPG because we love the tools they've developed and think it's an ideal place to run Eldritch Automata virtually. Since then, we've also been talking to other platforms to ensure you can play E//A on the VTT of your choosing. So we're pleased to say the game will be available *very soon* on Alchemy, as well as Diceweaver and Tabletop Mirror! If you aren't familiar with these platforms, make sure to check them out. They all have fantastic, unique aspects to offer GMs and players for virtual (and home) games.

ALL Stretch Goals Revealed

Rather than make y'all keep waiting, we've decided to unveil the final stretch goals of the campaign. These are two loftier goals we hope to achieve, but that won't impact the final book or reward delivery either way.

Stretch Goal 14 is the first Campaign Book for Eldritch Automata, which we're partnering with our friends at Storytellers Forge to produce. The team of writers over there is loving Eldritch Automata so far and can't wait to tell their own story about it. This book will be a full, ongoing campaign designed to help introduce GMs and Players new to E//A to the game, mechanics, and themes and allow you to explore them and grow as you become more comfortable with the game!

And our final goal is a personal endeavor that is near to our hearts. Gehenna Gaming got its start in events and content creation, and it has always been part of our mission to uplift marginalized creators and give back to the TTRPG community. If we manage to hit $150K, we'll use extra funds from the campaign to set up a creator scholarship to fund actual plays and podcasts of E//A that will have open applications.

If you want to help us with both goals, make sure you keep sharing the campaign with your friends and don't forget about our larger tiers and add-ons, where you'll receive a bunch of additional goodies with the game!

Unlocking More Art

Speaking of larger tiers, we're also running a poll right now. If you missed out on the limited tiers to contribute your pilot or Horror description to the game, we're considering opening up 5 more spots for each tier - if there's interest. So, if you want to upgrade to one of these tiers, make sure you vote and let us know!

Again, thanks for all your support so far, we can't wait to launch Eldritch Automata with you!